Define public library and describe its need and functions

To solve these challenges, it is necessary for them to constantly increase and update their knowledge. These challenges always motivate him to study. Reading habit is maximum among individuals in Russia. On an average a person studies 19 books in a year. After this comes the number of British and American citizens. Whereas in our country one book is read in a year till the middle of 16 persons. Lack of motivation to study is also a hindrance in the development of public libraries.
(iv) Lack of suitable books for all class of people and different age groups:
Books are a powerful medium of spreading education. In the absence of cheap and suitable books, it is impossible to fulfill the study needs of people of all classes and ages. Study interest has increased in Russia, Germany, England and America due to the availability of suitable results and number of books for people of all classes and ages. This has made possible the development of public libraries. In contrast, books published in India are expensive and unattractive. There is a dearth of useful books for children and neo-literates. There is a famine of reference and long term useful books. The habit of buying books for personal use is negligible. Most of the books are published not for the purpose of increasing the knowledge of the society but with the view of making profit for the author, publisher and seller. Thus, the lack of suitable books for all classes and adults is also one of the reasons for hindering the development of public library.
(v) Lack of Library Legislation:
Library is an integral part of education. In the Indian Constitution, "Education" has been considered as the subject area of ​​the State Governments and all the State Governments work in this subject according to their need and convenience. As a result, the spread and development of library service has not been uniform in all the states. In those states where the Act has been passed, the effective development of library service is clearly visible in comparison to other states.
Through the Libraries Act, not only the legal ground is available for the development of public libraries, but the necessary funds are also ensured for the pace of development. Ranganathan made a draft of the Library Bill to get the Library Act passed in the states and sent it to the then administrators and politicians there and made the Model Library Bill of the entire nation and explained the importance of the Library Act to many educationists and senior citizens. Motivated to implement it in their states. His last wish was that a public library service run by the Library Act should be established in the entire nation and in all the states. The development of public libraries is doubtful in the absence of the Act. Therefore, the lack of the Act is a hindrance in the development of public libraries.
7.4 Solution
It is a puzzle "first to spread literacy or first public library" that means first to spread literacy, then public libraries should be established or first public libraries should be established for the spread and stability of literacy. These two complement each other. It would not be wise to stop the development of libraries to achieve the target of 100% or even 80% literacy in the country. Therefore, library Acts should be passed in all the states without any delay, so that they will get the necessary legal protection for their development, system and expansion. Apart from this, writers should be encouraged by the government to create suitable literature for children, adults, neo-literates etc. In order to encourage the creation of literature suitable for all classes and ages, the Central and State Governments, U.G.C. (U.G.C.), I.C.S. s. R. (ICSSR), universities etc. should make planned programmes. So that good and cheap books can be available to all the people of the society. It is also necessary to change the traditional ways of social life so that the life of a person is full of challenges and he finds it necessary to use public libraries for getting continuous education and information to move ahead in life. The most important of these is the Library Act. On the passing of which, after the establishment, development and expansion of public libraries, the rest of the other things will automatically be completed in the future.
8. Summary
Public library provides free library service to the citizens of any place or area without any discrimination. Finance for its operation is received from the state fund. The main objective of the public library is to educate and inform the public through national content so that they can become efficient citizens and contribute to the economic development of the society. Apart from academic work, it also contributes to adult education. There are different levels of library system to fulfill the above objectives. In India these levels are National Library, State Central Library, District Library, Block Library and Panchayat Library. 

9. Exercise Questions 1. Define public library and explain its need and functions.

Do it 2. Write an essay on different levels of public library system. | 3. Discuss in detail the status of public libraries in India. 10. Bibliography for detailed study 1. Gardner, Frank M.: Delhi Public Library; an Evaluation Report,
Paris, UNESCO. 1957. 2. Kalia, D.R., Ed: Survey of Public Libraries in India, New Delhi, ILA
1965. 3. Publications, 1987. 4. Sundeswaran, K. S.: Libraries and Society, New Delhi, S.S. Publications,
1988. 5. Viswanathan, C.G.: Public Library Organization. 3rd ed. New Delhi,
Today & Tomorrow's, 1978.
Unit-8: Special Libraries and Informal Centers
Objectives This unit has the following objectives -
1. To be aware of the history and development of a specialized library, 2. to differentiate between a specialized and a general library and to be a type of a specialized library, 3. to know the purpose, services, and services of a specific library.
4. To obtain information on the development and type of information centres. structure
1. Subject Entry 2. History of Specialized Libraries


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