Indexing work is more important than listing in specific libraries.

 Indexing work is more important than listing in specific libraries.
It is given that in the cataloging process, the bibliographic information of the entire book is given. Whereas indexing is done for the portions of the book like articles published in periodical publications, patents, pamphlets etc. For this, indexing techniques like Chain Indexing, Uniter Indexing, Precis, Popsi etc. are used. Apart from this, Subject Headings list is used.
5.4. Collection of books, information and basic material.
After the book or information is classified, cataloged and indexed, it is stored in treasury files or boxes as per the requirement.
5.5. Retrieval of Books, Information and Base Materials
The book or information has to be searched when required or on application. In this, classification, indexing, indexing etc. prove helpful.
5.6. Reproduction of books, information and base materials
For this it is advisable to adopt the method of photocopying. 6. Specialized Services.
The users of a specific library are researchers or scientists or technicians working in the parent institution. Those whose time is very valuable, therefore it is absolutely necessary to save their time. These information are made available immediately. The specialized library provides the following services.
6.1. exchange of books
It is also necessary to return the books which are provided. If it is necessary for a book to remain in the library and also to go on exchange, then in such a situation there should be two copies. One copy and the other copy should be permanently in the library.
6.2. interlibrary input
If any book is not available in the library. So it is obtained from some other library so that the book requirement of the reader can be fulfilled. Similarly other libraries can also order reader material from these libraries. This is called interlibrary exchange.
6.3. Routing of periodical publications
On the latest issue of periodical publications, the library sends it to the first user, in some libraries the library itself sends the issue to each user. It takes relatively more time.
6.4. provide answers to questions by letter or phone
6.5. Reference service.
(a) To prepare monthly list of new books compiled
(b) To be aware of the problems, demands and needs of the specific readers concerned
Meeting them personally from time to time and understanding their demands.
(c) Communication - If the articles are published in the new issue or issues of the magazine on the subject of the readers, then sending them to the readers.
(d) Acquisition and circulation of national or international document lists.
(e) Compilation of document list regularly at local level as per requirement
(f) To display new books in the library
(g) Getting help from other institutes, libraries and documentation centers as needed
(h) To do work related to Selective Decentralization of Information (SDI).
(i) Mechanical copying and translation service locally as per demand or
To carry out these works with the help of documentation centers and other institutions.
(j) Combining parent institution details, standards, patents, etc.
(k) To compile text material that throws light on the work and subject of the organization and
Keeping that collection up to date.
6.6. Current Awareness Service
Through this the librarian provides information to its users about the prevailing text material and information etc.
6.7. To do cooperative work with other libraries and documentation centers. 6.8. To do other necessary work for the progress of the work of the parent organization and its members.
7. Documentation
In modern times, documentation is used for the presentation and use of micro-books, especially in the field of science. According to ASLIB, "documentation is the recording, organization and dissemination of specific knowledge. Documentation in other words means the collection, organization and distribution of micro-documents to scientists and researchers." " J. According to H. Shera, documentation is "the set of techniques necessary for the systematic presentation, organization and transmission of recorded specific knowledge in order to provide maximum accessibility and usefulness to the information contained."
s. R. According to Ranganathan, “Documentation is a combination of processes for providing accurate, comprehensive and dynamic information to experts in the knowledge they generate on a day-to-day basis.” According to Ranganathan, there are mainly two functions of documentation.
(1) Documentation work and
(2) Documentation service.
7.1. Documentation Centers
For the development and progress of any business, organization of literature related to the main subjects of knowledge and to do the work related to the decentralization of the subjects discussed in them at the national level, to provide guidance and help to other libraries in this direction and documentation, copying science National Documentation Centers are established to arrange training and research on reprography and information science. According to Dr. Ranganathan, there are seven types of problems in India for the development of knowledge-science and industries.Writing centers and libraries should be established. The details of which have been presented earlier in the documentation work.
8. Development of Information Centers
In this unit, you have been given information about the development, purpose, need, functions and their types of specific libraries. The main reason for the development of specialized libraries is the industrial development in the twentieth century, which increased the library requirement for the readers working in business, education, research and government institutions. Such libraries provide selected information dissemination and current awareness services to their specific readers in advance or on demand basis. Providing such information and documentation service has made possible the development of new products and new research and designs.
As stated earlier that after the Second World War, there was a huge increase in the development of these specialized libraries, such libraries developed specialized collections. Such libraries developed information technology based computerized documentation service in front of their readers. Specialized readers are less interested in getting new information published in books but more in journals. Information and documentation centers have developed at the local, state, national and international levels.


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