Characteristics of Specialized Library and Information Documentation Centers

 Such documentation and information centers have borne the responsibility of providing complete information and documentation service to their nation. Like INSDOC which is the National Information and Documentation Center of India, that was established in 1952. Its main purpose is to provide information and documentation service for researchers. Similarly, at the international level, the Federation for International and Documentation (F|D) was established in the city of Brussels in 1895.
8.1. Characteristics of Specialized Library and Information Documentation Centers
Such is the difference between the activities of specialized libraries and information documentation centres. That specific libraries do the work of dissemination of information for their readers, that is, of this study material which has been acquired in the said library. Along with this, providing reference service, providing research material desired by the readers and routing of journals among the readers is also included. This makes the latest information available to the readers. Both types of organizations engage in complex literature of any subject. This action also includes the selection of past expandable bibliography and advance relevant material. Along with this, they also provide subject-wise topical consciousness bulletin service and selective dissemination of information on the basis of individual profile. The Information and Documentation Center is prepared for the readers by repackaging useful and useful information, which also includes activities such as analysis, synthesis and assessment of information.
The Information and Documentation Center produces a critical bibliography from its documentation specification which is an appraised and detailed state of art report. Various types of information and documentation centers have been established only to provide such high level documentation service. Such as development of data centres, information and analysis centers and information dissemination centres. In order to provide high level information service for this work, the library personnel should also be such who have expertise in this subject. Apart from this, these personnel should also have communication ability. Such above services can be provided by any specialized library. Which depends on the availability of library personnel in the said particular library, reading material acquisition capacity and how is the organization of the library. Generally, the only difference between the two types of institutions is that the specialized library provides services only for its readers, whereas the Information and Documentation Center provides its services to a wide variety of audience groups. In which the general link is only the subject.
8.2. Types of Information Centers Information centers can be divided into three broad groups.
8.2.1. data centers 8
.2.2. information analysis center
8.2.3. information documentation center
8.2.1. Data Centers
Data science generally quantifies the information obtained during laboratory experiments and in the social sciences, field surveys. Such data information is made available in numerical or non-numerical form, usually in the form of tables, summaries, etc., to the users who are interested in such information.
A data center is an organization that manages quantitative information. Its main function is to provide collection, organizing, analysis and data transmission services, which can be given to the readers in advance or on demand basis. These services also include the delivery of data directly to users or the critical collection of any data. Information can be provided in the form of data or also in graphic form. Data centers also provide periodic indexing and summarization services in various disciplines. Such information may also be given in print or in machine form. Such data centers also work at local, state, national and international levels.
8.2.2. Information Analysis Center
. Information Analysis Centers present their information services in a reader-oriented, timely, authentic and rated form. In this type of service, the reader is only interested in the information given in the document and not in the document. The information sought by the reader is not limited to just one book and one type of text material.
The Information Analysis Center is a formal organizational unit. Whose main function or purpose is to acquire, store, retrieve, evaluate, analyze and synthesize text material in any particular subject. The main objective of the Information Analysis Center is to organize, collect and repackage information and present the information in a form that is authentic, timely and beneficial to the expert group.
8.2.3. Information Dissemination Centers.
The need for other types of information centers has also increased in the last three decades. The main function of which is to develop subject wise information to the users. Such centers are commercially searched for contemporary consciousness, selected broadcasts and rediscovery of past literature through computer based databases. Such centers function as a unit of any larger organization. of databases

 supplies. Such centers are different from other types of information centres. Because the documentation and information services of such centers are not designed for any specific audience or subject specific group. Rather, such centers have their services for those specific types of users who want computerized database service. Such organizations are also known as Information Broker Agencies and Information Consultants. The development of such institutions has led to the birth of information based industries. Such organizations are always ready to provide information related services. Such organizations also charge a fee.
| New associations have been established at the international level for such activities. Which promotes research and standards. Many business organizations have started working in this area from a commercial point of view. Information marketing has now become such a topic that today everyone is looking at it with amazement.


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