9. Summary
The main points of specialized libraries have been emphasized in the above unit. The origin, history and development of specialized libraries are discussed. Differences between special and general libraries and text material on the subject of different types of specialized libraries have been presented. The purpose of specific libraries and their functions have also been clarified. The attention of the readers has been drawn in the present unit towards the specific services provided by the specialized libraries. In this unit, information has been given about the development of information centres, the characteristics of specialized library and information and documentation centers and the objectives of different types of information centres. 10. Practice Questions
1. Write an essay on the development of specialized libraries.
2. What are the functions that specific libraries have to perform in order to fulfill their objectives? Explain
3. Write an article on the services of specialized libraries.
11. Bibliography for detailed study
1. Agrawal, Shyam Sundar, Library and Society, Jaipur, R. NS. s. a. publishers,
| 1994. 2. Saxena, L. S., Library Organization and Administration, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Hindi
| Granth Academy, 1988. 3. Sundareswaran, K. S., Library and Society, New Delhi, S. s. Publications,
1988. 4. Vyas, S. D., Library and Society, Jaipur, Panchsheel Publications, 1992.
Unit-9: Library Legislation: Need, Purpose, Principles and Factors (Library Legislation: Need, Purpose, Principles and Factors) Objectives This unit has the following objectives -
1. To be familiar with the definition, features and requirement of library legislation,
2. To be aware of the purpose and principles of library legislation,
3. To know the factors of library and the role of library associations for library legislation, and legislation
4. To be aware of the status of library legislation in India. structure
1. Subject Admission
2. Definition of Library Legislation
3. Features of Library Legislation
need for library legislation
4.1. Financial provision for library service
4.2. free library service
4.3. standard library service
4.4. efficiency in administration
4.5. Government and control by the people
4.6. Efficient planning through library legislation
4.7. Continuity and assurance of public library service by legislation
5. Objectives of Library Legislation
6. Principles of Library Legislation
7. Factors of Library Legislation
7.1 Essential Factors
7.1.1. high level management
7.1.2. Administration
7.1.3. finance
7.1.4. Responsibility
7.2. desirable factor
7.2.1. structure
7.2.2. service and result
7.2.3. library staff
7.2.4. Establishment of library associations
7.2.5. Legal rights of library authority
8. Role of Library Associations
9. Status of Library Legislation in India
10. Summary
11. Practice Questions
12. Bibliography for detailed study
1. Subject Admission
Library The culture and civilization of any country is preserved in its public libraries, it is well known that without public libraries, the full development of the people living in the society cannot be done. Public library objectives prove to be completely helpful in planning for future happiness and prosperity. Therefore, the public library is the living force for mass education. Such libraries provide opportunities for lifelong self-education to the common man. The development of these libraries has been possible due to the social changes taking place in the society, industrial development, illiteracy prevention, social and economic development and spread education. There is a need for a network of these libraries to meet the information and knowledge needs of the general public, this is possible only then. When we install a free public library system. The main purpose of which is to pacify the thirst for knowledge of the common man. Public libraries have been termed as people's universities.
The main objective of public library legislation is to meet the information and knowledge needs of the general public. This is possible only if we establish a free public library system. It is to be noted here that the development of public libraries does not begin with library legislation alone. Its history goes back many centuries. But the development of the modern public library system which is based on the library legislation is only one hundred and fifty years old. We needed library legislation because without it the all-round development of public libraries could not be possible. Looking towards the development of public libraries, many types of libraries were prevalent in countries like United States of America and Great Britain. For example, library established by Chanda, library for working class, religious library, endowment library and reading room etc.
2. Definition of Library Legislation
Library legislation means such legally recognized rules and regulations made by the competent authority at the national, provincial or local self-government level, whose purpose is to use and protect the material stored in subordinate libraries, to develop libraries and to maintain continuity of services. Is.
s. In the words of Das Gupta, the library legislation determines the structure and ensures development within an ideal framework. The library legislation also ensures that the library authority is constituted in such a way that it is empowered to give effect to the law.
Be accountable for this, as well as be responsible to the Legislature and the people's representatives. Legislation bears the responsibility of arranging financial assistance in a permanent and gradual manner. Legislative structure, administration and finance, these three points are so important that it is absolutely necessary to have a strong scientific basis behind them.
It is necessary to pass a public library legislation for the proper functioning of the public library system. Dr. Ranganathan emphasized on the point that the government should understand its democratic responsibility and by making a library legislation, provide an ideal library service to the society, this work is only democratic. Only the government can do it, no other organization can do it. Library legislation has the following characteristics.
3. Features of Library Legislation
(1) Library legislation is a democratic activity. Therefore, any prosperous society does not face any difficulty in adopting it.
(2) It is based on the rights given by the legislation in a continuous and uninterrupted movement.
(3) Library legislation provides for proper operation.
(4) In the main draft of the library legislation, there is a complete system of structure, selection of persons, finance work and demands of the readers.