3. National Reference Library, Kolkata
The library affiliated to the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi is proposed to be made the National Agricultural Library. In England, the National Input Library is established to make arrangements for inter-library input at the national level.
4.3. Other Service Libraries
The libraries established to provide services of the library especially to the workers associated with the corresponding institutions and organizations come in this category, the libraries affiliated to the following organizations and institutions are examples of this.
1. Administrative organizations like - Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha, Central and State Ministries and Government Departments
2. National Laboratories
3. Head Office of the newspaper
4. Research Institutes, such as Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bhabha Atomic Research
Centre, Trombay, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Pune etc.
The library of scientific research institutions is also called technical library.
5. Factories manufacturing various goods, such as Hindustan Machine Tools, Bangalore, Tata Iron and Steel Company, Jamshedpur etc.
6. Finance related organizations like- Reserve Bank of India, Life Insurance Company etc.
Their libraries come under the category of commercial libraries.
7. Libraries of trade and industry organizations such as Food Corporation of India, State Trading Corporation, Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation.
8. Sabha Committee, Professional Association and Academic Council, such as Library of the Indian National Congress, Rotary Club etc.
9. Institutions collecting specialized text materials such as maps, handwritten books, movies or libraries associated with films, etc.
10. Libraries established to perform the main functions of the library, such as National Reference Library, Kolkata, National Library, London.
11. Libraries of religious and philosophical institutions, such as the libraries of Ramakrishna Mission, Church etc.
12. Libraries of specific classes, such as prison libraries, health center libraries,
Library for foreigners, military library, sailor's library etc.
4.4. documentation work
Organization of literature related to major subjects of knowledge and decentralization of special subjects discussed in them, to do work at the national level, to provide guidance and help to other libraries in this direction and training on documentation, reprography and information science. National Documentation Centers are established to make arrangements for research and research. According to Dr. Ranganathan, the following seven types of documentation centers and libraries should be established in India for the development of knowledge-science and industries. 1. A National Research and Training Center for Documentation Currently, the work of providing research and training on documentation in the country, especially Dr. T.C. Bangalore and INSDOC, New Delhi.
2. A National Standards Institute - Indian Standards Institute, New Delhi
3. A National Documentation Center for Natural Sciences- Indian National Scientific Documentation Organisation's Center, INSDOC, New Delhi is an example of this.
4. A National Documentation Center of Humanities - Need for setting up such a National Documentation Center in the country
5. A distinguished national pool of industry libraries experts or librarians
Organizations such as the Indian Association of Specialized Libraries and Information Centers (ISLIC), Kolkata (ASLIB), London are examples.
6. A National Documentation Center for Social Sciences-Indian Council of Social Sciences, New
Documentation Center of Delhi 7. Service-oriented Libraries - Libraries attached to each institution and organization
4.5. Organization or association of specialized libraries affiliated to specific libraries
They have an independent association to maintain professional consciousness among professional workers and to solve their specific problems. ISLIC, Kolkata is an example of this.
5. Objectives of Specific Libraries
The main purpose of specialized libraries is to help in the fulfillment of its parent organization, which it fulfills as follows.
(i) It provides information service through which the members of the Institute can find information in their area of interest. Familiarize yourself with specific developments. (ii) Saves users' time by providing as-fact, comprehensive and instant information. Is. (ii) Provide motivation and encouragement to users by providing balanced collection and best service
The users of a particular library are experts in their subject. And their number of well-received information in the area of their specialization is limited. Special librarians are well acquainted with their field of work and store the study material according to their needs, the user is supreme in a specific library.
Specialized libraries have to perform the following functions to fulfill their objectives.
5.1. survey and evaluate new literature
. The basis of the service of a specific library is the library collection. Therefore, to be aware of the work and research topics of the parent organization and its workers in the country and abroad, to be aware of the latest trends, new discoveries and activities of scholars and to select new text materials that throw light on them, book reviews regularly. Literature is reviewed.
5.2. Acquisition of Books, Information and Base Materials
By purchasing books, becoming a member of associations and institutions, as a gift and exchange can be obtained by Books should be acquired as soon as possible. Such booksellers should be selected who can provide the best and efficient service. If he has obtained specialization in the subject related to the library, then it is very good.
5.3. Presentation of Books, Information and Base Materials
. It is not appropriate to adopt DV Decimal Classification for classification in a specific library. Universal decimal classification seems appropriate for such libraries. Many specialized libraries consider it appropriate to adopt special classification methods. Many such classification methods have been developed by Classification Research Yup London, such as the created A Classification and Veterinary Libraries. But Ranganathan was not in favor of the independent special method. He was opposed to creating a Depth Classification Schedule based on colon classification.
Ranganathan's 'Classified Catalog Code' or 'Anglo-American Cataloging Rules' can be used for listing. Generally, a classified catalog is more suitable for specific libraries. But the problem is that there is a lack of rules related to the listing of non-book material in the classified catalog code of Ranganathan. Whereas specialized libraries mainly have abundance of similar text material. There is no provision for recording detailed information in this list code.
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
August 28, 2021