Development of Specialized Libraries in India

 2.1. Development of Specialized Libraries in India
The activities of all these types of libraries and the nature of the study material are of the same type. The library personnel working in specific libraries are known as patent searchers, abstractors, catalogers, translators, etc. Specialized libraries are associated with many types of organizations. According to a study in the United States
25.8 percent libraries from educational institutions,
25.3 percent libraries from commercial institutions,
.6 percent are associated with public libraries and 30 percent are associated with associations and societies. Another reason for the development of these libraries is also that another reason for the development of universities is that the researchers and faculty members associated with the universities try their best to advance their specific subjects, they attract the attention of the government. Such teachers are interested in specific subjects, and open their own society or institute and get financial assistance from the state and central government and also from abroad, the main base of such institutions is the library itself. The libraries of these institutions are small. In which there can be about five thousand to ten thousand books and regularly get two hundred to four hundred magazines and magazines.
2.1. Development of Specialized Libraries in India
Scientific activities in India begin with the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal (1764). This society started its first magazine in 1802. The Trigonometric Survey of India opened in 1800, the Geological Survey of India in 1851, the Botanical Survey of India and the Zoological Survey of India in 1890. Apart from this, the first three universities were opened in 1857 in the three big cities of the country- Bombay, Madras and Calcutta, which led to co-development of higher education in the country, but the development of scientific activities in the true sense was possible only after India became independent. Today, many scientific institutions and new national laboratories in the country, special libraries were opened under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Indian Council of Medical Research, Atomic Energy Commission, Defense Research and Development Organization and Indian Space Research Organization. The development of some such laboratories became possible under the state governments also. In 1969 itself S. Raj Gopalan and R. According to the Directory of Indian Scientific Institutions compiled by Satyanarayana, there were 900 such institutions in India. Out of which only 600 institutions had good libraries. But now the situation is improving even more, today there are estimated 2000 such institutions in the country to which specific libraries are attached.
Most of the research institutes are located in big cities of India. Some of the major research institutes are Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, Royal Asiatic Society- Bombay and Calcutta, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona, Oriental. Names of Institute, Baroda, Trinometrical, Zoological, Botanical, Geological Society, Indian Botanical Society can be taken. Now many research institutes have been opened not only in pure sciences but also in social sciences and humanities subjects. Generally such libraries which are associated with these research institutes are called specialized libraries.
3. Difference Between Specialized and General Libraries
The following differences are found between specialized and general libraries.
(1) A collection of books and periodical publications is mainly made in general libraries, whereas in the specialized library mainly periodical publications, reports, standards are made in the form of textual material. Patents, Specifications, Abstracts and other financial material are collected more.
(2) There is a difference in the presentation of the service provided in the general and special libraries, where in the general libraries, the books i.e. text materials are provided. There information is provided more in specialized libraries.
(3) Due to the above basic differences, a clear difference is visible in the organization and operation of general and specialized libraries. In general libraries, books and current publications are arranged on racks, whereas in special libraries, special types of vertical cabinets, files and boxes are required to manage the information. Classification of information requires subtle classification. Indexing is replaced by a number of other services to the readers in place of the contextual service, such as the Current Awareness Service, selective transmission of information. Dissemination of Information) etc. have to be done. Translation service and Abstracting etc. also have to be adopted to help the readers. In modern times, machines are also being used for indexing and retrieval of information in advanced western countries.
(4) In modern times, new service documentation service has emerged. Which is mainly provided in specialized libraries only.
4. Types of Special Libraries
The specific library and other institutions associated with it can be broadly divided into the following five parts.
(1) International Library (2) National Subject/Functional Library (3) Other Service Libraries (4) Documentation Center and
(5) National Organization or Association of Specialized Libraries
4.1. international library
Libraries affiliated in organizations and institutions working on international subjects come in this category. Example- Libraries of United Nations and UNESCO.
4.2. National (Subject/Functional) Library
Many thematic national libraries were established in the country and abroad for the development of the main subjects and their related works. National libraries are also established to interpret the main services and text materials of the library at the national level. These collection libraries are depository libraries. All major literature related to the subjects are available here. Here scholars are given all the facilities to read. These libraries do not usually give books to the readers to take home, the following libraries in India come under this category.
1. National Science Library, INSDOC, New Delhi 2. National Medical Science Library of the Directorate General of Health Services and


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